We used a proprietary constructed brain- computer interface system with a head-mounted display for motor neurorehabilitation
training of a subject after a stroke. This study analyzes quantitative EEG (qEEG) changes during resting state periods before
and after the neurorehabilitation training. Eyes closed and eyes open resting state EEG collected during 13 training sessions is
analyzed to determine qEEG changes indicating mental state changes like increased mental fatigue, tiredness, or sleepiness. We
decomposed the EEG spectrum into oscillatory and fractal parts, allowing us to investigate changes in the oscillatory component
of qEEG separately. We observed increased post-training oscillatory EEG ampli- tudes in slow frequency bands (delta and theta)
and decreased in faster alpha to beta bands. A shift to a slower frequency of the dominant alpha frequency was also observed
in the post-training resting state EEG. Compared with existing literature, these changes indicate increased mental fatigue and sleepiness.
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